U.S. high school Archives - Global School Access https://globalschoolaccess.com/tag/u-s-high-school/ Mon, 22 May 2023 00:20:32 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://globalschoolaccess.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/cropped-logo-1-32x32.png U.S. high school Archives - Global School Access https://globalschoolaccess.com/tag/u-s-high-school/ 32 32 Preparing Our Youth for the Global Marketplace https://globalschoolaccess.com/preparing-our-youth-for-the-global-marketplace/ Tue, 07 Jun 2022 15:37:04 +0000 https://globalschoolaccess.com/?p=5090 Imperative to our future in areas such as environmental sustainability, economic development, and diplomatic relations between nations is preparing students to be globally competent individuals who understand our interconnected world. The youth of today will need to be able to address real-world problems through research and innovation, weigh perspectives, and communicate ideas cross-culturally. Their success will depend on it.

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We are the world; all of us together occupying the same space with undeniable commonalities, divided by region yet more connected than ever through advances in technology and increased mobility. We have before us the unprecedented opportunity for unity and advancement with education as our platform. Imperative to our future in areas such as environmental sustainability, economic development, and diplomatic relations between nations is preparing students to be globally competent individuals who understand our interconnected world. The youth of today will need to be able to address real-world problems through research and innovation, weigh perspectives, and communicate ideas cross-culturally. Their success will depend on it.

Global School Access (GSA) was formed to address the growing educational needs of students worldwide. Founded in 2015, GSA is an educational organization that specializes in placing students in private schools across North America. Equipped with an experienced team of educators and international-business professionals, GSA prides itself on family-and-student-centered care including but not limited to: school selection for children in middle and high school, school and visa application processes as well as interview preparation and document handling, host-family or boarding-school selection and placement, academic support, individualized college planning, and cross-cultural training. What distinguishes GSA from its competitors is its commitment to and implementation of student support.

Because student support is essential to the success, growth, and welfare of students who are living abroad, GSA staffs Student Managers and Host Family Managers or Residential Directors (for boarding schools) in every region where students are placed in North America. Parents can rest assured that their children are being well looked after and have people to turn to and who understand the needs of students transitioning to life in a new country. Student Managers are in contact with students and parents on a regular basis and are required to visit students every month at the host family home or boarding school. Parents or guardians receive monthly reports detailing their child’s academic progress, involvement in school activities, host family or boarding school life, social engagement, etc.

Within the last few years there has been a significant shift in attitudes towards international agencies. Trust has been lost due to lack of follow through and broken promises, only to leave students in distressing situations or without an infrastructure of support thousands of miles away from home. Families have been taken advantage of financially or weren’t provided the proper tools and information to ensure the success and welfare of their children while away from home. GSA knows that every family and child needs nurture and support from the moment they make the decision to explore educational opportunities outside of their home country and from that point forward. Recognizing the disparities in student management and specialized services for international students and their parents, GSA leadership joined together committed to change the face of the industry by operating with the utmost integrity and providing quality care that families can rely on. We are parents, former teachers and school principals, and business professionals who understand that relationships are built on trust and fulfilling commitments. We are as invested as our families are in their children’s welfare and success as it impacts all of us now and in the future.
Studies indicate that the skills that students amass through their studies abroad and specifically in North America such as foreign-language acquisition, cultural awareness and sensitivity, critical and creative thinking, and the ability to communicate effectively in intercultural settings as well as to adapt to unfamiliar situations, meet the needs of multi-national companies and give students the ability to compete in the worldwide marketplace. In order to be successful, students need high-level thinking skills as well as extensive knowledge of international issues. Even more impactful are those who continue their studies abroad through the university level.

Middle and high school education serve as the entryway into the North American university system, and students who attend middle and/or high school in North America have a much higher rate of acceptance into the university system. Additionally, they are much more prepared than their classmates who remained in their home countries and applied to university from outside of North America. GSA is dedicated to helping its students build a strong educational foundation leading them to become future leaders and global citizens. At GSA we understand that nurturing the global competence of our youth will give them the capacity to thrive in diverse settings and prepare them to live, compete, and relate to others in a complex and interconnected and interdependent world.

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Host Families – Helping Your Student Adjust https://globalschoolaccess.com/host-families-helping-your-student-adjust/ Fri, 20 May 2022 16:59:45 +0000 https://globalschoolaccess.com/?p=5084 For host families, the key to this journey is to take time to learn about your student’s family, culture, and language. Ask them to share a favorite dish, or teach you key expressions in their native language. Make an effort to invest in their culture as they are ours.

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  1. “It takes a village” 
    International students may sometimes feel alone or that no one understands them or can help them. Often is the case that they are unsure how to ask for help or express exactly what it is that they need. They may feel unsettled or lonely, or embarrassed about issues they may not know how to address or process. All of us together (host family, school, GSA staff, and the students’ parents) serve as the “village” for our students. Students needs to know who to go to in their network and trust that they will be cared for and that their needs will be met.

    Each student is assigned a Student Manager who speaks their native language. That representative serves as a support and liaison to the student, the student’s parents, GSA, host family, and school when necessary. The Student Manager visits the student at his/her host family home or boarding school each month and prepares a report for the student’s parents which encompasses the student’s academics and overall welfare.
  1. Clear Instructions
     You may not think it’s necessary or that perhaps certain elements of life in the U.S. are obvious to others, but never assume that. For example, sometimes students don’t have cleaning or cooking responsibilities and are not accustomed to warming food in a microwave or preparing food for themselves. You might need to show your student how to prepare food, to use a microwave or dishwasher, set a table, take out the trash, clean a bathroom or bedroom, make a bed, use the washer and dryer, etc. It is possible that in their home country they do not use dryers at all.  They may need to be reminded that your home is NOT a hotel and that they are a fully participating member of the household, and with that comes certain responsibilities.

    Give them a tour of your home and discuss each area. Are there areas that are off limits? Are their times for certain activities, meals, family time, quiet time, homework? Where should they study? What time is light out? Keep in mind that our evening may be morning for their family outside of the U.S. and they will need time to connect with their family. It doesn’t mean they should be up until 1:00 in the morning, but it is something that should be discussed.

    Do you have children? Your student may come from a single child household and have no idea how to interact with your children. They are accustomed to focusing on their studies and most likely have very little downtime or playtime for themselves or with classmates or children that are younger than them. If your student shows no interest in family activities, it is most likely because they feel uncomfortable or aren’t sure what to do. Create some structured family time with board games or other opportunities for everyone in the family to get to know each other without feeling pressured.

    Do you have pets? Students may be uncomfortable or unaccustomed to having pets in a home and may not be aware of how to handle or care for an animal. Show them and let them know about your pet’s meals, privileges, care, etc. Discuss what your pet can and can’t eat, if they can go outside for play, and what to do in an emergency situation.

    At school, the student will need to be shown his/her schedule and where his/her classes are, how to purchase school lunch, use a combination lock, how to address a teacher or ask for help, etc.

  1. Open and Honest Communication
    Just like any other relationship, it takes time to cultivate the relationship and get to know each other. Now, add a new country, family structure and dynamic, expectations, possibly a new language, etc. It will take some time and challenges will arise. Communicate often and remember to speak slowly in case your student’s English isn’t at a high level of fluency. They may be self-conscious of their English and struggle to articulate how they are feeling. Allow them the time to say what they need the best way they can. Ask questions to check comprehension. Paraphrase what the student said. Use visual aids if necessary and if you use idioms or expressions, explain what they mean.

    As you well know, each country has different customs and social norms. Be sensitive to different forms of communication, gestures, and body language. For example, it’s not appropriate to hug someone from China when you meet them unless they extend that affection first. It may take time before a student feels comfortable with affection at all. They may be more reserved than you are accustomed to as an American, but this does not mean they are uninterested in talking with you and your family.

  1. Day-to-day Life and Getting Settled
    Hygiene is different around the world. It’s important to communicate what is expected in the U.S. in terms of showers, using the restroom, deodorant, perfumes, and clothing. Some students may not know that in America we don’t wear the same clothes each day. They will also need help purchasing personal care products. It can be overwhelming staring at an aisle of toothpaste at the store! You may also find a student trying to stand and squat on a toilet once in a while as they may be accustomed to squat toilets in their home country. They may also put the toilet paper in the waste bin instead of flushing it. Or flush things down the toilet that should not be.

    Students will need assistance setting up a bank account and cell phone plan. Most other banks require a guardian and it is advised not to take on that liability as a host parent. A student that is 18 years of age or older can have a regular account with full access.

  1. You Are Not Alone!
    If you are struggling with a situation, please remember that you have people around you to support you. If you have a Host Family Manager or school representative that is overseeing the host family program, reach out to that person. Speak with the student’s Student Manager about how to communicate with the student or address a cross-cultural issue. Talk to other host families who have experience hosting international students.

    If the student is struggling academically, it’s critical that the school be informed and that teachers be contacted to ensure the student is getting the support that he or she needs. If a student is seemingly unmotivated or is demonstrating behavioral issues at school or in the home, chances are that is a cry for help, and help is available. It can be a sign of culture shock, being overwhelmed academically, feeling homesick or lonely. It can be hard for some international students to make friends with American students.

Enjoy the journey and take time to learn about your student’s family, culture, and language. Ask them to share a favorite dish, or teach you key expressions in their native language. Make an effort to invest in their culture as they are ours.

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The Importance of Support While Studying Abroad https://globalschoolaccess.com/the-importance-of-support-while-studying-abroad/ Fri, 20 May 2022 16:30:32 +0000 https://globalschoolaccess.com/?p=5060 Beyond the thrill of becoming an international student is the need for care and support while away from one’s home country. At GSA we know that students who apply to high school abroad are capable, independent, and motivated to succeed

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Beyond the thrill of becoming an international student is the need for care and support while away from one’s home country. At GSA we know that students who apply to high school abroad are capable, independent, and motivated to succeed. We also know that for most of our students, this is their first time away from home and without the support of family in their day-to-day lives. Overnight, their lives are radically different than anything they knew before; a new country, learning environment, host family or living accommodation (boarding school or house), food, cultural norms, rules and expectations, etc. It’s exciting and yet for most, quite daunting.


It’s imperative for any individual moving to a new country to have a network of support in place, a community, resources, and people to turn to when questions or challenges arise. We provide that and more for all of our students and their parents. When a family decides to work with us, we not only help them choose the best learning environment for their child, but also develop a close relationship with the entire family. We understand that it’s a big decision for everyone involved and that sending their child to a foreign country without them is a lot to prepare for both physically and emotionally.

When students arrive in their host country, they can expect to be greeted at the airport by their host family or boarding school staff member. They can also expect the support of their host family or boarding school staff as well as their school community (teachers, administrators, friends, counselors). In every city, we have Student Managers who visit students regularly at their host family home or boarding school, communicate with the students’ parents, provide monthly detailed reports (includes academic report with grades, school involvement, activities, host family or boarding school life, overall welfare), serve as a liaison to school administrators and/or teachers, and to GSA management. They are like big brothers and sisters and mentors to our students, and a safe person/place to go to when a student has concerns or needs someone to talk to. They understand the needs of our students as well as the cultural, social, and academic differences between where students are coming from and their host country. They also work closely with our Homestay Managers who have regular contact with our host families and ensure that the host families and students are both getting the nurture and support needed for a successful and positive homestay experience. This makes these changes as comfotable as possible because a student can save all their habits or daily routine (like, spending time with classmate or friends, whatching movies or playing video poker games for free) as it was before studying abroad.

What we tell our families is that GSA serves as an extended family to them and their children. We are here and available and no matter the question or concern, someone is always there. We are also here to celebrate the accomplishments of their children and help prepare them for the next steps such as applying to university and the preparation that comes with that (TOEFL and ACT courses, tutoring, individualized college planning, etc.).
Students are most successful when they have a solid educational foundation, strong and reliable network of support, and people surrounding them who have their best interests at heart. They say, “It takes a village,” and it does. GSA is the village for its families and students.


At Global School Access, our mission is to provide a dynamic growth experience—personally, academically, socially, and cross-culturally—for students, families, schools, and communities through exceptional care and strong partnerships, with the utmost integrity and respect, and with the goal of excellence. We aim to inspire young people to be happy, successful, and good global citizens, and to be viewed as the premier organization for international education by the families we work with, our partners, and our employees.

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Should I send my child to study abroad? https://globalschoolaccess.com/should-i-send-my-child-to-study-abroad/ Tue, 01 Feb 2022 21:01:38 +0000 https://globalschoolaccess.com/?p=4900 While parents recognize the value of pursuing education outside one’s home country, how do we know the right choice? And what steps should we take to ensure that it's a positive experience for your child?

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While parents and caregivers the world over recognize the value of pursuing education outside one’s home country, with the added uncertainty of an ongoing pandemic, navigating educational options for our children is more daunting than ever; however, with planning and the right support put in place before they arrive, families can ensure that their children are set up for a safe and successful overseas experience.

There are a multitude of options and a sea of international agencies from which to choose, all of which promise what any parent would hope for, including high-touch service, warm and welcoming host families, and top schools. As parents, we are also very aware that there are agencies that don’t fulfill their promises, which may mean that our child doesn’t get the care and support we expect. There is one international-education agency that is known for its integrity, accountability, and transparency, and that is trusted by families, students, and schools alike. It’s called Global School Access (GSA).

What makes GSA unique? Yes, we do promise end-to-end service and a high-level of care, but we follow through on that promise by vetting and hiring a dedicated staff of locally based professionals who specialize in international student care, and who genuinely want students to be happy, grow personally, and succeed academically. We understand the sacrifices families make to secure the best possible opportunities for their child. We also understand that your child is coming alone across the world and will need a home away from home. It’s a lot to take in and adjust to, and we know that. New school, new home, new culture, new language, new food, etc. It’s both exciting and overwhelming. We consider our students part of our extended family and treat them accordingly. Trust, care, and communication are essential throughout your child’s overseas stay.

No stone is left unturned at GSA, meaning we’ve got everything covered from application assistance to top private high schools, to processing school applications, preparation of visa documentation, host family or boarding school arrangements, banking, legal services, college counseling, specialized tutors, ACT/SAT/TOEFL courses, English language support, well-being support, help applying for summer courses at top universities, and local support for college students. We are dedicated professionals who live up to our commitments and we are honored to be trusted by the families and students who come to us.

If you still have questions or concerns about sending your child overseas for their education, please allow a GSA staff member to help you navigate and weigh options. We are here to help, and it would be a privilege for the opportunity to assist you!



At Global School Access, our mission is to provide a dynamic growth experience—personally, academically, socially, and cross-culturally—for students, families, schools, and communities through exceptional care and strong partnerships, with the utmost integrity and respect, and with the goal of excellence. We aim to inspire young people to be happy, successful, and good global citizens, and to be viewed as the premier organization for international education by the families we work with, our partners, and our employees.

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